Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday, March 2, 2015


Our three-year old grandson, Weston, gets excited, words come tumbling

out. His mind is going faster than the words can be pronounced, and there

are complete sentences that become like one long stutter - over and over,

while his little brain continues to process the thought vs. the words.

Did you know that we can think at 1300 words a minute, but our normal rate

of talking is only 120 words a minute? It is no wonder, how, in the middle

of the night, we can lay awake and suddenly jobs, finances, relationships,

can become this big dark hole of doom. Ten minutes of worry adds up to

13,000 negative, sad, angry, and discouraging words.

How do we fight these negative thoughts? Replace them by looking at your

blessings - we ALL have them. Thank God for being with you in your

difficult times - you are NOT alone. Let God speak to you through the

scriptures. Psalms is a wonderful place to start - Psalm 30:2, 34:18, 143:6-8.

Surround yourself with a caring community. If you do not have a church

home, I invite you to Central. Call us or visit our website - you will quickly

find your place within our family. Begin right now, in the next minute with

1300 POSTIVE words and have a blessed day!

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