Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday, March 9, 2015


Good Morning! I’m John Branning, Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist

Church. I am always amazed at the power of words. There is nothing like

having a bad day and someone sharing a positive encouraging word with

you. It changes the way that you see yourself and the situation that you face.

Likewise, there is nothing worse than someone using words to tear you

down and make you question your worth and self confidence.

It is true that nothing has the power like our words to build or tear down

others emotionally. I guess that is why in the book of James it says that the

tongue is a small piece of the body but it can do great damage. We need to

discipline our speech and to share words of encouragement and hope to one

another. If we do this then we will feel a greater piece in ourselves also.

Share a good word with someone today and see what happens. I hope you

will visit us at Central and live connected with us.

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