Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


What is your secret? What is that thing which you are absolutely certain no

one knows? The great music composer, Ludwig von Beethoven's, secret was

that he was almost completely deaf. Keeping that secret caused Beethoven

to be considered extremely eccentric, irritable and hermit like. Yet, despite

this secret weakness Beethoven became one of the greatest composers of all

time. God has used his secret to bless the world through Beethoven's music

for centuries after his death.

Now, what was your secret? Know that God is aware of the most intimate

details of your life. And, that God is able to use even the secrets you keep

from everyone else to bless you and those around you. This is Bob Peden of

Central a United Methodist Community in Meridian. Go ahead. Keep your

secret from other people. But trust God.

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