Thursday, March 19, 2015

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Once there were two women who couldn’t get along to save their lives. A huge ditch separated their husbands’ farms, and as their distaste for one another grew, so did the size of the barricades separating their lakefront homes. First it was well manicured shrubbery, then a rock garden, and finally an eight foot tall wooden fence was constructed to keep the other out.

In time, the women couldn’t even remember what had begun their argument, but the fences with their locked gates remained. Finally, the sons of the two families met at college and became friends, even going into business together. As their catfish farming venture grew, so did their need for convenient access to one another’s property. So they tore down the walls their mothers had built and used the wood to build a bridge that would allow easier access to the lakes and ponds on their property.

Confession does that for the soul. Confessed sin becomes the bridge that allows us to walk back into the presence of God.  Is there a chasm between you and God? Is there a distance that seems insurmountable separating you from your Father? Are you keeping anything from Him?  Tell God about it right now. Tear down the barricades and begin building a bridge back to Him today. You’ll be glad you did!

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