Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


I don’t know if you have ever been privileged to hear a live orchestra, but the experience is almost indescribable.  When you think about the dozens of different instruments, and the hundreds of fingerings and techniques required for playing each of those instruments and the fact that it all happens at the same time to create something beautiful, it can be quite overwhelming. The process of tuning each individual instrument to the given pitch, played by an oboe, and each person playing with the right amount of breath blown through the horn or the right amount of tension placed on the strings all occurs to create a sound that is pleasing to the ear.

That tuning process creates a cacophony that until united, is merely noise.  But there comes that moment when each individual sound begins to sound as one, and the melody begins.  Each players’ instrument sounds in harmony with those in the section, and the sections then join together: strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion all uniting to produce something beautiful.

Each individual person is a player in Gods orchestra.  Just as the conductor waves his hands and the instruments follow, God directs our lives as part of His Master Orchestrated Plan.  It is up to us as players to be in tune to His Music, creating something beautiful for His Glory.

For Central United Methodist Church, I am Suzanne Cain.

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