Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Once there were a couple of farmers who couldn’t get along with one

another. Though their homesteads were right next to one another there was

a wide ravine separating their properties. So great was their disdain for one

another that each farmer built a huge wooden fence   on their property to

keep the other out.

In time however, the daughter of one met the son of another, and the kids

fell in love and got married. Determined not to be kept apart by the hatred

of their fathers, they tore down the walls and built a bridge over the ditch

separating them.

Confession does that. Confessed sin becomes the bridge  that allows us to

walk back into the presence of the Lord. Is there a ditch in your relationship

with God? Are you keeping anything from him? Bad behavior? Bad

attitude? Dishonesty? Doubt? Tell God right now. Tear down the fences and

build a bridge right back to Him. He’s waiting for you with outstretched


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