Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Good Morning:  The Joy of the Lord is my strength.  What does that mean? 

To me, it means that our God is a joyful God.  He wants the best for us.  He

is joyful when we follow his commandments.  He is joyful, when we are

successful.  He is joyful, when we are happy.  He is joyful when we show

love to one another.   And, when we have the love of God in our hearts, we

are joyful.  That joy in the Lord is what keeps us strong.  That joy helps us to

face anything the world wants to throw at us.  That joy makes us want to

live the life God intended for us.  That joy helps us to get through grief,

sadness, or any kind of disappointments.  When we have God on our side,

and we are joyful because of that, we are strong!   I feel that joy every

day… you?  Have a wonderful joy-filled day!

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