Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Good Morning!  We can certainly express our love for someone by doing big things for our beloved, but faithfulness in doing the small things quickly adds up.  The loyal husband of many years who still leaves love notes on his wife's pillow and comes home every evening to help her with the kids and household chores is as valued and appreciated as the one who dazzles his bride with expensive jewelry and presents.

This is especially true in our interactions with God.  Not every Christian can do something stupendous for the Lord.  There are very few people like Billy Graham, recognized for huge contributions to the faith; but plenty of us live for Jesus every day doing our little unnoticed pieces of obedience.

We can honor Jesus in what we do, no matter how insignificant it may seem, by doing it with all of our heart.  God regards not the greatness of the work, but the love for him when we do even the smallest act of love or  kindness.

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