Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday, March 23, 2015


When I was in junior high school, we read fables from all over the world

one semester. I remember reading one from Russia about a servant and

master who went on a journey to a far away city. Many of the details have

been forgotten in time, but I remember the two men got caught in a raging

blizzard and lost their way, forcing them to be out in the elements


The next morning rescuers found the master frozen to death face down in

the snow. The servant, however, they found alive trapped between the

ground and his master. Later he told his saviors that his master had

voluntarily laid over him so that he could live.

I hadn’t thought about that story in years until I thought about what Christ

did for us, for Jesus is the master who died for his servants. Only through

the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, do we survive and reach our goal.

He died so we can live.

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