Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011


Hi!  I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.  In the 1986 movie THE MISSION, a priest in South America meets a slave trader who has killed his own brother in a jealous rage and is then overcome with GUILT and DEPRESSION. 

The priest offers this man another chance - by working with the Indians of the Amazon - the very Indians the slave trader has captured and sold into slavery.  As a condition, the priest demands the slave trader drag the symbols of his former life [weapons; armor] behind him. 

But when they arrive at the Indian village in the Amazon - the Indians cut the bundle away and throw it into the river.  It is their way of saying: THOUGH YOU HAVE HURT US, WE FORGIVE YOU – BECAUSE GOD HAS FORGIVEN US.

Many of us have done things that we feel guilty about.  We drag that guilt with us and it weighs us down.  But God in mercy has offered forgiveness through Jesus Christ. 

Can you accept that gift of forgiveness today?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011


Good Morning!

Technology is now providing us with the means of doing so many more things than we can pay attention to.  It was supposed to free us, but it actually does just the opposite.  It has created a new world in terms of the decisions we have to make.  We can’t get away....cell phones, emails, twitter, goes on and on.

Have you lost the rhythm of your life? can you get it back? While many of the answers are personal decisions, this weekend Central is offering help in getting back on the right track...Tonight beginning at 7:00, Speaker and Potter, Jane Knight, will offer some thoughts and reflections on re-learning how to be quiet, to listen to God.

The evening will end with a labyrinth or prayer walk. Tonight’s workshop is free and open to the public. 

Tomorrow morning, beginning at 9:00, Jane will conduct a workshop...In the Potter’s Hands...She will be at her potter’s wheel, telling her story, and encouraging participants to explore their life story.  The cost for tomorrow’s workshop is $25.  It is not too late to register.  For more information, you may phone the church office at (601)693-1521 or visit our website: 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Several years ago there was a big counterfeit ring up north out of Chicago. One of their big engraving machines went haywire and printed out a bunch of $15 bills. One of the counterfeiters said, what in the world are we going to do all these $15 bills?”
His partner said, “I’ll tell you what we can do. We’ll go down to Mississippi where they’re not too smart and we’ll go around to some of those country stores and get them changed and bring the good money back here with us.”

Several weeks later they ended up in Williams store outside of Meridian. One of the counterfeiters went up to the woman behind the counter and asked, “Mam, do you run this store?” “I not only run it I own it," she replied. “Well," said the man. “I got a $15 bill here and I’d like to get it changed.”
“Sure darling,” she drawled. “I’d be glad to do it for you. How would you like it? Do you want 2 sixes and a 3 or 3 threes and a 6? Or would you rather have 5 three dollar bills?”
Have you heard so many lies and false hoods that just aren’t sure what the truth is anymore? If so, let me invite you to join us in worship this Sunday as we look at the truth, God’s Word, and how it applies to our lives.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Good Morning!

God’s presence is inescapable. Adam and Eve tried to hide from God. The psalmist cried out in desperation “where can I go to flee from your Presence O God. Paul assured the Athenians that God was not far from any one of us.

If God is ever present in our world, how is it that we so often are not aware of Him? The answer is that God’s real presence and our awareness of his presence are not the same thing. There can be one without the other. God is here even when we are totally unaware of Him. As Christians our goal should be to become ever more aware of God’s nearness. We sing “Nearer my God to Thee” not to bring God closer to us but that we might live more nearly constantly aware of God’s presence as we live, move, breath, think, and love.

My prayer for you today is that you might live, aware of God’s presence in you.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Good Morning!

Corrie ten Boom penned these words:

In these days we are in training for the kingdom of peace that will come on earth.  The Bible is full of promises of things that are going to happen when Jesus returns.  The wolf will lie down with the lamb, swords will be changed into plowshares...

Perhaps you say:  “Yes, that will be wonderful and then it will be quite easy for me, but now there is nothing but squabbling, criticism, irritation, especially among Christians.”

That is true.  But especially in this dark world, the Lord Jesus gave us the task of passing on His love.

My prayer is that we would allow God’s Spirit to guide us as we share our love with a confused world.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

Glenda Thomas

Good Morning:
Today we celebrate President’s Day. Here are a few fun facts about some of our Presidents when they were in office. Calvin Coolidge had the most pets including a pygmy hippo. Richard Nixon played the most instruments. James Madison was the first to wear long pants. Rutherford B. Hayes was the 1st to use a telephone. John Tyler had the most children--15 in fact. John Quincy Adams was the first to be photographed. Barack Obama was the first to write his own e-mail. James Buchanan was the only bachelor. Ronald Reagan was the only one divorced. Martin Van Buren did not speak English at home--he spoke Dutch. Andrew Jackson was the only one to survive a duel.
One thing that has been and still is consistent with all Presidents is that they need our prayers. Pray for President Obama and ask God to lead, guide, and direct him in all decisions he makes concerning our country. Have a wonderful prayer-filled day.