Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


There are some tasks around the house nobody likes to do.  Making the bed, washing the clothes, cleaning the kitchen, and scrubbing the bathroom; these are all tasks that must be done. In our family, we divide them up. Our older son doesn’t like handling wet things. Loading the dishwasher and moving clean clothes to the dryer are tasks he detests. But he doesn’t mind taking out the trash or putting a load in the washing machine.  I marvel that he is so different from his brother who is much more flexible in his willingness to complete tasks.

Don’t you know that God marvels at us, his children, His creation? Psalm 139 speaks to how we are each fearfully and wonderfully made. God knows when we sit down and when we rise up, discerning our thoughts near and far. He knows when we walk a path and when we lie down, and He is acquainted with our ways.  Even before we speak a word, he knows our thought. 

There are spiritual tasks we must complete as part of our relationship with God the Father. Bible study, prayer, and personal worship are all part of building that relationship. 

Know that he marvels at us, his children, even as we marvel at those around us. Look for ways to build that relationship with God the Father, even if it includes completing a task of which you are less than fond.

For Central United Methodist Church, I am Suzanne Cain.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Lord has called us with an everlasting love...died for us and gave Himself for us.

Never take for granted God's intimate nearness. Marvel at the wonder of His continual presence with you. Even the most ardent human lover cannot be with you always, nor can another person know the intimacies of your heart, mind, and spirit. Christ knows everything about you—even to the number of hairs on your head. You don’t need to work at revealing yourself to Him.

Many people spend a lifetime or a small fortune searching for someone who understands them. Yet Christ is freely available to all who call upon His name, and who open their hearts to receive Him as Savior. This simple act of faith is the beginning of a lifelong love story.  Jesus is the Lover of your soul.

-John 1:12 says:  Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday, April 27, 2015


Good morning. The Beatles once wrote a song that said, “All you need is love.” Even though the Beatles were not theologians, this idea is very theological. Love is the proof of God’s grace at work in our lives. However, love can be the hardest thing to accept from God. We have a tendency to measure His love in light of our own life circumstances, and therefore, thinking there is no such of a thing. We may encounter life situations and say things such as, “If God loves me so much, then why did this or that happen?” The truth is God’s love goes far beyond what we can comprehend. His love does not depend upon how we have experienced it or have failed to show it.

The Apostle Paul wrote that “God shows his love for us in that, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” The Lord’s radical love can radically transform any situation and circumstance you are facing. His love conquers all things, even tragedy, senseless violence, and acts of hatred. The real question for us all to answer is, “Will you accept it?”

I’m Dennis Gossett, for Central, inviting you to come and connect with us.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday, April 24, 2015


Renown theologian, Eugene Peterson, states, “All the persons of faith I know are sinners, doubters, uneven performers. We are secure not because we are sure of ourselves but because we trust that God is sure of us.”

Life is complicated.
Schedules are hectic.  Following Jesus is often not easy, nor is it easy to hear God's voice in the noisiness of our lives.
We are also quick to judge the actions of those who are unlike us. Occasionally we need to step back and remind ourselves that our individual worth comes not from anything we can do...  but from a God who loves us spite of ourselves.

Today I encourage you to take stock...remembering not only your worth, but the worth of those around you.
May we hear God's voice in the unfinished, incomplete places of our lives, knowing that He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it in you...and those all around you!  Have a blessed day!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Good morning, this is Bob Peden of Central - a United Methodist Community here in Meridian. There are times and places where the mixing of old and new works well. It is quite creative, for example, to search for old pieces of furniture, refinish them, and creatively place them in your newer home.

There are other places and times when mixing the two doesn't work. Anyone out there still have an old analog TV and roof antenna? Do you know any scientists who still use slide rules? Do you want your child treated by doctors who aren't staying current in their field? So why do Christians kick so hard and scream so loudly at the idea of change? Even though the core message of the Christian gospel is fixed on the person and work of Jesus, the means of communicating that message must always change. The ways of God are ever fresh and challenging. Those who try to contain the fresh presence of Jesus within the old and familiar forms typically wind up with the worst of both worlds. New wine in old wineskins.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Good Morning: A Sunday School teacher decided to have her young class memorize one of the most quoted passages in the Bible--Psalm 23. She gave them a month to learn the verse. Little Bobby had a very hard time memorizing and was very nervous about saying the verse in front of the whole church. On the day scheduled, when it was Bobby's turn to recite the verse, he stepped up to the microphone and said: "The Lord is my Shepherd.....and that's all I need to know".

How perceptive of him! The Lord is my shepherd and he should be yours, too. Remember, a good shepherd takes care of his sheep. He loves them, looks after them, keeps them from harm and is always there when needed. Are you one of His sheep? I hope so. Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Good morning. I’m Dennis Gossett, for Central United Methodist Church. There was once a young teenage boy who wanted to play football, but the coach kept telling him he was too fat, too slow, and too clumsy. After hearing such things, the boy began to believe this about himself. Until, one day someone told him that he could be whatever he wanted to be. That statement made such an impact on this young boy that he not only became a standout high school football player, but also played four years of college football.

See, this young man is a great example of faith. Faith is the ability to believe in something greater, something that is unseen at the moment. It doesn’t take much of it to make a difference. In fact, Jesus said if we could just have enough faith the size of a mustard seed then it could move mountains. Do you have mountains in your life? Maybe you, just like our young boy, have been told that you are not good enough. Well, Christ Jesus has given us all the opportunity to be transformed by amazing faith.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday, April 20, 2015


Good Morning! I’m John Branning, Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. I love to hear a good story, and there is nothing more powerful than a personal story that is told. That is why at Central, we believe in telling your story so that you can have spiritual influence in the lives of others.

The story of how we became a follower of Jesus Christ is the greatest story of all, and those who are not followers yet can be influenced to follow the way of Jesus, just by you taking a little time to share it. If you think about it, the New Testament is a book of stories about how people were introduced to Jesus. Peter, Paul, John, and all the disciples and early followers had different stories and experiences but all were following the same Jesus.

I invite you to share your story with someone today, and I also invite you to the Central community to share your story with us. Share your story and see what God does with it.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Friday, April 17, 2015


Do you believe past mistakes have disqualified you from the opportunity of a good and happy life? If anyone could have thought that, it would have been the Apostle Peter. He’s a perfect example of someone who blew it, but just like with each of us, but God restored him.

How would you feel if in their greatest hour of need, you deserted your best friend? That is exactly how Peter must have felt. And that’s why the angel, in Mark Chapter 16, after the resurrection of Jesus said, “go, tell His disciples -AND Peter- that Jesus is going before you…”

Today, no matter what you may have done, whatever you think disqualifies you from receiving God’s love and forgiveness the God who forgave Peter, forgives us all.
What wonderful peace in the knowledge that our past is just that - our past, not our present, and certainly not our future. All because of Easter morning over 2000 years ago.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thursday, April 16, 2015


Hello, I’m Dennis Gossett, Associate Pastor at Central. I once heard the story of a man who was put into prison during the late 19th century for murder. The state where he was from sentenced him to death. Soon, the man began the appeals process, but was denied at the state and federal level. As a last attempt, the prisoner appealed to the highest authority in the land, the President of the United States. After reviewing the case, the President granted a stay of execution, and reduced the sentence to life in prison. However, the man refused the deal. And shortly thereafter, the state went through with the execution.

In a way, that story is a lot like ours. God, the one who holds the highest authority, is willing to grant us a pardon. He offers each one of us His grace no matter what we have done. However, God will never force us into submitting to his offer.  It is up to you and I to accept his pardon or his forgiveness; his justifying grace. It is He, who make things right. No one else can do that for us.  I invite you to Central where everyone can safely seek God’s grace and forgiveness. Have a blessed day.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wednesday, Aproil 15, 2015


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. Today is one of dread for many people, it is the last day to file your taxes for 2014. We call days like today deadlines. A deadline is simply the moment that something is supposed to happen.
Most people don’t realize that they are a living deadline. Scripture points out that all of have an end date in this physical condition. This is what I call our deadline. Unlike the tax deadline, you will really want to be prepared for this one.

Scripture points out what we need to do to prepare. We first have to open our hearts to believe the message of Jesus, and then we begin to follow it. This following of Jesus will allow you to love people as you were intended and to have joy and peace in your life.

You were created for much more than the collecting of things and accomplishing personal goals. You were created to live. So the best way to prepare for our ultimate deadline is to live for Jesus.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Good morning: One day a group of scientist got together and decided that man had come a long way and no longer needed God. They picked one scientist to go and tell God that they were done with him. God listened patiently and kindly to the man and challenged him to a contest--a man-making contest. The scientist agreed. God told him they would do it just like he did back in the old days of Adam." No problem", the scientist says. So the scientist reaches down and picks up a handful of dirt, but God stops him and says, "No, no, no! You go get your own dirt!"

You see, it's not so easy to do things without God. Sometimes, just like the scientist, we have to be reminded of that. Have a wonderful day!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Monday, April 13, 2015


Each moment of our lives is crowded with eternal significance, yet our eyes are often blind: we expect only what is predictable. We miss God's grace in the moment, the Father's gift in the simple, and Heaven's glory in the ordinary. We lose the Lord's presence in the sunrise, his joy in the smile of a child, his whisper in the wrinkles of the aged, and his glory hidden in a spider's web.

So when John tells us his story of Jesus turning water into wine, he wants to do more than tell us history. Yes, what he writes is true, but even more he wants us to know it is truth C authentic to real life. Each encounter with Jesus tells us, not just what he did, but also what he longs to do nowY in usY among usY through us. The unpredictable Savior wants to show us how water can become wine.

This is Bob Peden of Central - A United Methodist Community. My question for you this morning is: Where in your life is God waiting to turn the ordinary into something extraordinary.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday, April 10, 2015


Good morning. One evening, as I watched my two grandsons play together, I noticed they were having a hard time sharing their toys. One would start to cry if the other even played with a toy that was not being used. At an early age, kids express a very innocent, but selfish attitude. As adults, our selfish behavior is not so innocent. In fact, adult are aware of what we do. Self-centeredness is one of the main reasons we willingly separate ourselves from God. Think about it, how often do strive for the bigger and better deal in life, instead of God? Life becomes more about what we can gain rather than giving all over to the Father.

When our eyes are on material things, we can’t see eternal things. The Old Testament prophet Isaiah noted this condition when he wrote, “Your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God.” Today, let us take a look into our lives and see what is separating us from living fully with God. Then, let us turn our eyes from them and place them upon Jesus Christ. 

I’m Dennis Gossett, for Central, inviting you to come and be a part of our community, as we seek to live in full connection with God and one another.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Good Morning: There was a woman who got angry with the driver in front of her for stopping on a yellow light. She blew her horn, screamed and cursed him and was just generally acting very badly.  An officer came up behind her, arrested her, and took her off to jail. After a couple of hours, the officer told her she was free to go and apologized for arresting her.

You see, he had noticed several things on the back of her car: a What Would Jesus Do? sticker; a "Follow me to Sunday School" sticker and a chrome plated Christian fish emblem on her trunk. After witnessing her actions, he assumed she had stolen the car.

You see "actions speak louder than words". What do your actions say about you? Think about that and have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. I hope that you are a constant learner. A person that all your life you are learning from the events that you tackle and the people that influence you.

A couple of teachings that I try to pass on to my children, I wanted to share with you today. In life there are two things that you must put into practice everyday. The first is to get over the obstacles that are before you. We all face obstacles in life that try to take our joy and peace from us, but through God’s help and grace, we can overcome.

The second thing that we must overcome in life is to get over ourselves. You are not the most important thing in life and your happiness cannot be based on your current condition, for if it is then we become self absorbed.

If you are a believer what is most important in your life is your faith in Jesus and that faith brings purpose. Remember, today that you have to find a way to get over your obstacles and to get over yourself.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Good morning this is Bob Peden of Central - A United Methodist Community here in Meridian. This past Sunday was Easter Sunday for most Christians around the world. It was the day we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Christmas is the day we celebrate his birth and recognize that he is God with. God embodied among us, living as one of us. Christians remember that Jesus taught and showed us how to live, that he performed many miraculous signs while he was among us, and that he developed close personal relationship with the men and women about him. We remember that he suffered and died on the cross and was laid in a borrowed tomb, like the lowliest of us. But it is the bodily resurrection of Jesus the Christ that gives us the fulfillment of the hope of all people, life everlasting, life perfected, life in full relationship with the God of the universe. And it is that which we celebrate on Easter Sunday. Hallelujah! What a God!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Monday. April 6, 2015

We read in Job 32:11
"I waited while you spoke, I listened to your reasoning; while you were searching for words." –
Edgar Watson Howe once joked, "No man would listen to you talk if he didn't know it was his turn next."  Unfortunately, that accurately describes the way too many people approach communication—they're too busy waiting for their turn to talk to really listen to others. But people of influence understand the incredible value of becoming a good listener. For example, when Lyndon B. Johnson was a junior senator from Texas, he kept a sign on his office wall that read, "You ain't learnin' nothin' when you're doin' all the talking.'" And Woodrow Wilson once said, "The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people."

The ability to skillfully listen is one key to gaining influence with others. Listening: shows respect, builds relationships, increases knowledge, generates ideas, and builds loyalty.
Have a great day!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Friday, April 3, 2015


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. Today, Christians around the world remember the death and burial of our Lord Jesus Christ. We call this day “Good Friday,” and it reminds us of the sacrifice that was paid for our salvation.

Many people today ask if our salvation could be achieved without the cross. The answer unfortunately is no. This no is not because God lacked power to do so, but because people’s hearts were so hard it was the way they choose to end his message or so they thought.

The cross remains a symbol for all of us about how far God is willing to go to share his love with us. You and I have a God that desires blessings and not curses for us and is willing to get dirty, and, if necessary, bloody to let us know.

I hope this Easter you will not just go through the routine of Church but instead will pause and remember how far God’s love will go to reach his people.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Thursday, April 2, 2015


Good Morning. I’m Dennis Gossett, Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist Church. Do you feel rushed? I know in my own life, things pile up and time gets away from me quickly. Family, work, and even church all are bidden for my time. The unfortunate consequence to all of this is being emptied and never re-fueled. However, there is someone very consistent no matter of life situations. That person is Jesus Christ. He is always pleading with us to slow down. He invites us to intentionally take our time and focus on his words, and just listen.

Often in life, it is very easy to lose our focus of the most important things in life. If not careful, we can end up chasing those things that are worthless. Our Lord says to us, “labor for the bread from heaven and not the bread that perishes.” Seeking God allows you and I to fill our hearts with desires borne in eternity.

Do you desire to seek after the Christ filled life? You are invited to Central UMC to journey with us, as we seek to go deeper into the nonperishable bread from heaven.           

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Good Morning: Today is April Fool's Day. A day to act foolish and play pranks on friends. There's a story that tells of an atheist (that's someone who does not believe in God) who got very upset with all the Christian holidays like Easter and Christmas and decided to take the issue to court. He wanted those holidays to be abolished because there were no holidays for him, an atheist.

After hearing all the evidence, the judge declared the case dismissed. When the atheist’s lawyer objected, the judge declared that there is a holiday for is April Fool's Day. Now I'm not sure that's a true story or not, but it could be for Psalm 14:1 tells us "The fools says in his heart, 'There is no God.'" Believe me......there is a God; and this day, like all others belong to him, the creator of all things. Have a wonderful day!