Friday, January 29, 2016

Friday, January 29, 2016


Good morning! My name is Kristina Crabtree and I am the Minister of Spiritual

Formation at Central United Methodist Church. Do you deer hunt? Did you go

this last season? If so, did you kill anything? Well I did go and I didn't kill

anything but time. So kutos to those of you that will have deer meat in your


Well, when I am on the deer stand, I have a hawk-like approach to deer hunting.

I always hear something. They are always present. Or, I always think I saw

something. I know it's silly, but I just expect them just to show up when I am


Just as I hear and see things that are not there in deer hunting, in your life, do

you hear things about yourself that nobody else does? Do you see something in

yourself that no one else sees? Maybe just like my false hunting experiences,

maybe you have a false-self about yourself.

In the quite, just as if you were on a deer stand, ask the Father to show you your

false-self. The Father and the spirit of truth will tell the truth. Maybe you just

need to hear about your true self from the creator father himself. Ask him. Don't

live in your false perceptions about yourself. Desire to hear the truth from the

father. You are his beloved child. Have a great day!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Thursday, January 28, 2016


Good Morning:

When we first learned to walk, we often fell down, but did we stay down? No, we reached out our hand to our mom or dad who helped us get back on our feet. This happened often until we learned to walk on our own. We can learn to walk with God in the same way. Every time we stumble and fall, we can reach out to God through prayer, and accept his merciful helping hand.

In Psalms 37 we find these words: “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholds him with His hand.” We can always reach out to God and He is always there to lift us up. Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Good morning everyone. I am Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church. When was the last time you received some good news? I mean not just happy news, but news that really made a huge impact on your life.

Good news is hard to come by nowadays. Most of the words we hear are very negative and alarming. We hear of riots, racial division, wars, and acts of terrorism. With all of these things happening in our world it can be hard to find any good news.

Unfortunately, many people are losing hope by continually being told that there is none. Therefore, that hopelessness is projected in our homes, on our streets, in our malls and shops, and at our jobs. It can be found everywhere.

However, Jesus has come to give us Good News; the kind of news that make the poor rejoice, gives sight to the blind, and liberty to the oppressed. It is the kind of news that brings hope. If you find yourself in a hopeless situation today, remember that Jesus offers you hope that overcomes all things. If you have hope there is always a chance. Have a wonderful and blessed day.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

(Please click on video link to view this Reflection of the day)


Good morning. This is Bob Peden of Central a United Methodist Community.

Next Wednesday evening, February the 3rd at 6:00 PM, a group of children from

Africa will be at Central for an evening of inspiring music and testimony. These

children are a part of the education program of Music for Life, an organization

that has been working for 29 years in many parts of Africa educating 50,000

children and helping more than 100,000 more with relief and education projects.

The African Children=s Choir is making its 4th visit to Central, and each time

they are here, I am impressed with how hard this organization works to educate

and spiritually nourish these children even while they are touring here in the

United States. And also how they strive to make sure these children do not

become accustomed to the ways of America. For these children will soon go

home to Africa where they hope to help the Africa of tomorrow.

Make your plans to be at Central next Wednesday at 6PM and become a part of

this inspiring story.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday, January 25, 2016


Hi, I’m Jonathan Crabtree, Pastor for Student Ministry at Central United Methodist Church in downtown Meridian. Have you ever heard of the social media app called, “Snapchat?” It’s similar to Instagram, but the image only lasts for a few moments before disappearing. The image is described in a few words and it is exchanged between others. Snap and chat. I’m amazed at the things we ‘chat’ about; the things we notice; the things that are here for a moment.

What about those moments that seem indescribable? The moments that make us stop right where we are and just say, “Wow.” Maybe it’s a sunrise or sunset; or a moment in nature; the list goes on and on. The point is: Are you aware of those ‘God’ moments? The moments that make you stop and say, “Wow, there’s got to be something more to this life because of what I’m seeing right now.” Maybe these are moments in which God is trying to get your attention. Snap and chat about it, today.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday, January 22, 2016


Several months ago, I noticed an emaciated stray dog in an open lot on my way

home.  The dog was there day after day.  One day when passing I noticed that a

car had stopped and a woman was pouring a pile of dog food out.

As weeks went on, the dog was still there but looking much healthier.  Several

times over the past weeks I have seen the same woman.  She now parks her car,

pours out the food, and walks away, but does not leave.

When I saw her this last time, she had poured the food but was walking much

closer to the dog, but not imposing herself. I was in awe - the picture became

clear.  Day after day this woman comes, cares for this stray but does not force

herself upon it. She is waiting for this dog to come to HER.

It struck me, she is doing for this dog what God does for us. He loves us, cares

for us, nurtures us - even when we do not turn to or trust in Him. BUT on that

day when we realize that for God, we are an emaciated shell, He is there - He

was all along. I do not know who this woman is, but once again, God has used a

simple quiet moment to tell His extraordinary story of Love!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Thursday, January 21, 2016


Good Morning:

None of us know how long we have on this earth. We don't know if it's years, days, or even moments. So, it's very important how we live those moments, right?

A lot can be accomplished in a moment. A smile can lift someone's spirits; a kind word can give encouragement; a warm greeting can make a friend for life; a hug can make someone feel see what I mean? So, we all need to try to do our best in the moments that we have each day. Cherish each day that God gives you. And pass it on to those around you. Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Good Morning! I’m John Branning, the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. I also serve as a Chaplain in the MSARNG, and one of my favorite texts that I love to share with my Soldiers is found in Proverbs 27:17 which says, “As Iron sharpens Iron, so one person sharpens another.”

I love the image of the iron maker as God has designed us to build one another and to sharpen one another to be a warrior for the kingdom of God. This is something all of us should embrace today as we accept the call to sharpen one another and to be sharpened by one another.

Let our words today be used to lift up and build those around us. Let our actions set an example before our community that we can be counted on in the most difficult of moments. Ultimately, let us live in such a way that it is said of us that we are “iron makers” that follow the way of Jesus.
If you are ready to be sharpened and to sharpen others, come and be a part of the community of Central UMC.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Hi, I’m Jonathan Crabtree, Pastor for Student Ministry at Central United Methodist Church in downtown Meridian. There are certain things that once used, we can never get them back, and one of those is our words. Once we say something, we can never return those words, can we? So, what does that show us? Words are powerful. We can encourage someone; or hurt someone; we can make others laugh; or make others cry. Words are important. Words are powerful.

When we speak, we truly speak what matters to us. The Psalmist writes in Psalm 25, verse 14, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.” When our words reflect what we know God is doing in and through our lives, then imagine how powerful and effective and life-changing our words can be.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Monday, January 18, 2016


Good morning everyone. I am Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church. Today in America, we celebrate the life and legacy of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. For me, Dr. King’s message was a proclamation that every person, regardless of skin color, has sacred value, which was not well received in the segregated South.

He wanted us to recognize and honor the blessing of diversity. Today, our country seems to be more diversified than ever before and yet, the same ole problems seem to rear its ugly head from time to time.

There is a story in scripture that tells of a huge group of people who have gathered together for a wedding. Finally, some of those folks invited Jesus to be an active participant at the wedding, which he did gladly.

Perhaps, it is time that we recognize our presence, as well as the presence of others, at this gathering we call America, and invite Jesus to come to be an active participant with us. Thereby, continuing the dream Dr. King once had; by extending the hand of fellowship to everybody at the wedding. Have a blessed day!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Friday, January 15, 2016


Good Morning: “I have a dream.” We have all heard those words and know exactly who said them. Martin Luther King, Jr. had that dream. His dream was that one day all races, all people would be free and would sit down together as real brothers and sisters. That dream is still alive today.

This great man was born on this day, January 15, 1929. I remember those days in the 50's and 60's and remember marveling at how eloquent he was; how passionate he was; how Christian he was; and how he strived to make changes through non-violent actions based on his Christian principals. So, although Monday is really the day we celebrate his life, today is the day to celebrate his birth. Thank God for men like him. Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Good morning! I’m Jonathan Crabtree, Pastor for Student Ministry at Central United Methodist Church in downtown Meridian. We’re pretty much in the middle of winter. We’ve had our days of cold, frost, and even chances of wintry precipitation, and we may all be anticipating the arrival of spring. Well, don’t move to anticipate it so much that you miss the beauty around you now. This is actually a good time to go for a hike and not worry about bugs, snakes, and creatures at Bonita Park. It’s also a good time to enjoy nature without the heat and humidity, too.

Mississippi has some wonderful state parks to enjoy, and I’ve found this is one of the best times to get out there and enjoy the hiking and exploring of them. I remember this time last year, while living in Kentucky, that we endured 18 inches of snow. Eighteen inches! That’s a lot if you ask me. We couldn’t go anywhere, and we had to stay indoors for almost a week. You can imagine our nerves after that week. But, it was a good time for our family to set goals for the year, plan meals, do house chores, and just be together. We even listened to some Christmas music!

Don’t miss out on the beauty of winter. It’s a season, too, and it deserves honor.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


From the time our daughter Angela was not much more than an infant, until this very day, when she is talking to you, she wants you to stop what you are doing and look directly into her eyes. I have many times been accused, “you’re not listening to me!” For a person that multi-tasks, stopping for that one on one moment is a difficult, if not frustrating situation to be in. 

Many times, however, Angela is probably correct in her analogy of the moment.  I may have heard every word, but was I really listening?
Hearing is hearing sounds, listening is hearing feelings.  Jesus once complained, you have ears but you don’t hear. We are told that many of the troubles in our most important day to day relationships are a result of this very problem. “Listening is wanting to hear.”
Remember this as you go through the day today with your children, your spouse, and your co-workers. Also remember that we serve a God who listens, a God WANTS to hear our deepest hurts, our joys. A God who hears our hearts and cares deeply.  Let us do the same for those closest to us!

But as we continue
our walk, our lives are
no less grace filled.

It is only by God’s all-
empowering grace
that we are able to be the people God would
have us to be.

It is only by God’s all-
encompassing grace
that we are able to
reach others for

And it is only by
God’s re-redeeming
grace that our
spiritual lives can be
refreshed when our
faith seems small and

And so, along with
John Newton, I can
sing of God’s
amazing grace
saving a wretch like

And I can also sing
with songwriter Keith
Green “O Lord,
You’re beautiful, Your
face is all I seek, For
when Your eyes are
on this child, Your
grace abounds to me.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


In 1779, former slave
trader, John Newton,
wrote, “Amazing
grace how sweet the
sound that saved a
wretch like me. I once
was lost but now am
found. Was blind but
now I see.” God’s
amazing grace does
indeed come flooding
in upon our lives as
we begin our walk
with Jesus Christ.

But as we continue
our walk, our lives are
no less grace filled.

It is only by God’s all-
empowering grace
that we are able to be the people God would
have us to be.

It is only by God’s all-
encompassing grace
that we are able to
reach others for

And it is only by
God’s re-redeeming
grace that our
spiritual lives can be
refreshed when our
faith seems small and

And so, along with
John Newton, I can
sing of God’s
amazing grace
saving a wretch like

And I can also sing
with songwriter Keith
Green “O Lord,
You’re beautiful, Your
face is all I seek, For
when Your eyes are
on this child, Your
grace abounds to me.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday, January 11, 2015


Good Morning! I’m Kristina Crabtree Pastor of Mission and Evangelism at Central United Methodist Church!

To do right and to do wrong. Isn’t that mentality that you are or have been brought up on? There is always a choice been right and wrong in this world, in your own little today, decisions will be made due to the mentality of right or wrong.

When we look at the book of Leviticus as a whole, the majority of us would just see all the rules and sacrifices they had to make. Some of us even may think that was observed that the people of God had to do what they did in order to be considered pure in his sight. I mean if we had to do what they did in order to be pure today, would we?

Let us look at the reasoning behind why all the rules. The entire book is based on the scripture “be holy because I am holy.” God was looking out for the well-being for the very health of his people. He wanted his people not only to be spiritually connected with him but wanted them to be physically healthy.
When we look at it that way, it brings another perspective to God. So I encourage you today to see God’s rule for you differently! Have a great day!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Friday, January 8, 2016


Good Morning: You know, we are worriers. We are pessimistic. We think “It's impossible”, but God says “All things are possible”. We think Nobody really loves me, but God says: “I love you”. We think “I can't do it”, but God says “You can do all things”. We say, “I'm afraid”, but God says “I did not give you a spirit of fear”. We say, “I feel so alone”, but God says “I will never leave you or forsake you”. We say, “I'm not able”, but God says, “I am able”. We say, “I'm always worried”. God says, “Cast all your cares on me.”
You know we might not be able to always count on ourselves, or our friends, or our family, but, remember this: We can always count on God. He is there for us in any situation. All we have to do is call his Name. Remember that and have a wonderful day!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Thursday, January 7, 2016


Good Morning! I’m Kristina Crabtree Pastor of Mission and Evangelism at Central United Methodist Church!

In a desperate time, have you ever said the phrase, “somehow, some way”. That is a common phrase in times of distress or a crisis. We are hoping in a miracle. Well, what if we live into the promise of somehow, Gods way! That is our truest call as the people of God. We are to always trust in the way of God even if we don’t always know Gods way. When that happens, we trust in the truth that God does have a way and show how he will show us.

Another thing I am learning is that you might not know Gods way right now and that’s ok. We have to be open and willing to hear the voice of Gods spirit in our everyday lives! So when we hear ourselves saying, “somehow, some way” let us stop and say “somehow, God’s way” even if we have no idea what that means.

Let us be faithful to our heritage of being Gods people who know and truly trust that Gods way is working and active in our lives. Let us be encouraged by the journey of the Israelites.  Sometimes we might be in a wilderness but God always has a way of salvation for us in times of distress! Have a great day!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Good Morning. I’m Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church. Well, we are starting a brand new year. There will be a lot of changes in 2016. If you are like me than we hope to make a couple of personal changes. Probably the most significant one for our country is the election of a new commander-n-chief. However, I think the majority of us believe that real change is just some nostalgic idea.

However, long lasting change can happen, but has to start with you and me. Did you know the Bible speaks of prayer as being an agent of change? But for the most of us, prayer has become one-sided. It’s a laundry list of personal wants. Prayer can be much deeper than that. The Bible says prayer can change our hearts, our minds, and even our desires. When we allow this worshipful act to take hold of us, things change. God’s desire becomes our desire. God told Israel that he would heal their lands if only they would sincerely pray.
That promise is also for us in Meridian and all the other communities who are watching this morning. Let’s pray for change. God bless.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Happy first week of 2016!

Did you make a New
Year’s resolution this
year?  If you did,
have you already
broken it?  And if so,
what has been your
response?  More
often than not,
instead of picking up
our resolution the
following day, we
drop the whole idea
and revert to our old
ways.  It seems the
firmness of our initial
decision to make a
change for the better
wilts under the
burden of
discouragement, guilt,
and missed

How can we maintain a strength of purpose
even when, in our
eyes, we fail
miserably to do what
we said we would do?

Know this about
God’s grace both in your broken resolutions and in your life – His strength
gives power to the
weak, the truth of His
word is a light to your
path, His presence by
His Spirit will never
leave you, and His
love for you in Jesus
will never end.

The challenge each
day is to remember
that.  Then, let what
we do each day be a
faithful response to
what God is doing in

Monday, January 4, 2016

Monday, January 4, 2016


Good morning! I’m Jonathan Crabtree, Pastor for Student Ministry at Central United Methodist Church in downtown Meridian. We read of many miracles in the Gospels, but one that always sticks out to me is when Jesus feeds thousands of people with some bread and fish. How did this happen? Did Jesus magically make more fish and bread as the disciples gave out the food? Or, did Jesus’ act of faith encourage the multitude to give what they had, though not much, to the efforts and thus feeding everyone?

What could our collaborative acts of faith do for Lauderdale County, Meridian, Mississippi, the United States, the world? Don't think that just because you only have a certain amount of your time, gifts, and resources that you couldn’t transform the world. Guess what? That’s exactly what transforms the world: Everyone giving what they have; everyone working together; everyone on the same mission. If you are not involved in a congregation anywhere, we encourage you to join us some time at Central. We’re a congregation, along with many other congregations in Meridian that is seeking to join God in ministry to all the world.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Friday, January 1, 2016


Good Morning! I’m Kristina Crabtree Pastor of Mission and Evangelism at Central United Methodist Church!

Did you count down 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Happy New Year! Oh the joy it is to bring in a new year! Some would say that this holiday is a crazy and unrealistic holiday to celebrate. Some people make a fuss about making New Year’s resolutions. But I say, the very celebration, the very re-new atmosphere is what we are all about as children of God.

2 Cor. 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” Because you and I are in Christ we are a new creation.

You know in Lam. 3 where the word speaks of Gods mercies being new every morning. Every day can be a New Year’s Day celebration.

When you lay down tonight remember that you are a new creation in Christ and his mercies are new every day. Fall asleep in peace that tomorrow is a new day. But, if tomorrow has fear, sadness, un-sureness, or whatever is to come in 2016 know that Jesus is saying to you as he did to one Father in Mark 5:36 “Don’t be afraid, just trust me.” Have a happy new year’s day! Goodbye 2015, hello 2016!