Friday, July 29, 2016

Friday, July 29, 2016


Good morning everyone. I am Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church. Have you ever wondered why we are encouraged to pray? I believe God desires us to pray to him more than we desire to pray to God. God is passionately pursuing each one of us, because he wants to have a good relationship with us. That is why he invented it for us. It was his initiative, not ours.

God is always knocking at our door asking us to open up. However, we feel so rushed that we simply reserve only five minutes or less to speak with him. We can become so rushed that we cannot hear His knocking any more. That is why our hearts, minds, and conscience becomes seared and we convince ourselves that God is absent from our lives. But the truth is we are more absent than he is.

God wants to be heard. He wants to show us where to go and what path to follow. God wants each one of us to experience His divine love and presence. So, I challenge you to take more time out of each day to say, “Here I am God. Speak to my heart.” I also invite you to Central to learn how to hear the word of God speaking to you. God bless.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Thursday, July 28, 2016


Hello, I’m Jonathan Crabtree, Pastor of Student Ministries at Central – a United Methodist Community in downtown Meridian. When I say “sacrifice,” what comes to mind? An ancient worship practice? A song? What? Well a sacrifice is saying “no” to one thing and saying “yes” to another. It’s an action. It’s denying something in order to receive something greater. We make sacrifices every day. We say “no” to one thing in order to say “yes” to another. We listen to this radio station instead of another one. We don’t eat at one place in order to eat at another place.

Sounds a lot like making a decision, doesn’t it? Well that’s because sacrificing something is our choice. We choose to say “no” and “yes” every day. God does the same thing for us. God loved us so much, He did something, and God loves us so much He is doing something right now. God made a sacrifice; Himself, in order for something greater...US! We were worth making a sacrifice, so may we say “no” to the things that hold us back from knowing God’s love for us.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Good morning, this is Bob Peden of Central a United Methodist Community here in Meridian.

In the 10th chapter of the gospel of Matthew, we are told that Jesus calls 12 disciples by name, and then he sends them out with the power to cast out demons, heal every disease, and proclaim the kingdom of God.

From this we learn three things. First, God calls us by name. Each of us has been called by God to fulfill his purposes for our lives. And then once we hear and respond to that call, God sends us back into the world. God doesn’t call us out of this world, rather he calls us and sends us into the world. Thirdly, whatever God sends us to do, He gives us the strength and ability to fulfill the task and proclaim the Kingdom of God while doing so.

God calls us, God sends us, and God equips us. Are you willing to hear, to go, and to receive God’s power? My prayer for you is that you will always be at work to bring about God’s Kingdom on earth.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


“Remember that the Lord is God. It is He who hath made us. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.” These verses come from one of my favorite Psalms - 100. In this day and time of political chaos and uncertainty, of terrorism and warfare, we cannot imagine even one thing that everyone on earth could agree upon.

We are, however, told that one day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. One day we will join hearts and hands with brothers and sisters across the world with one purpose: to praise the One who both created and saved us. What economics, politics, and diplomacy could never achieve, will happen naturally because of God’s extraordinary love for us.

So in these days of political and global turmoil, let us step back and remember the big picture and that the day will indeed come when we will all be united - in thanksgiving and praise - to the one, who indeed, has the whole world in His hands!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Monday, July 25, 2016


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. Have you ever wondered about the legacy that you are leaving behind? Most people have a desire to be remembered after they are gone, and so they store up possessions to leave to those they love in the hopes that the next generation will remember them through the gift.

What I have found through the years visiting many estate sales is that the items that you treasure so much may not be treasured so dearly by those you leave them to. Jesus said don’t layup treasures for yourself here on earth where they can be destroyed and stolen or even sold at a discount. Instead, layup for yourself treasures in heaven where they are remembered for all eternity.

I hope all of our storehouses are full in heaven. I invite you to join us at Central United Methodist Church and begin storing up heavenly treasures.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Friday, July 22, 2016


Good morning this is Bob Peden of Central a United Methodist Community here in Meridian.

St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit order, certainly understood the connection between the physical and the spiritual. He believed that we can find God in all things. Does God really speak to us through a blue sky, through the sound of laughter, through the taste of dinner? Absolutely, St. Ignatius would say.

You don’t turn your back on the created world to find meaning and purpose; rather, God reveals himself to us through the very concrete stuff of our lives, through our bodies, through the things we experience with our senses. Faith is about living life, in all its messy splendor, and doing so with the awareness that God is present throughout it all. It’s about recognizing that God speaks to us through our senses and that we can live a richer, more joyful faith if we train ourselves to listen. Are you open to what you may experience from God today?

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Thursday, July 21, 2016


Hello, I’m Tim Wise, Sanctuary Choir Director at Central. This morning, I’m here to tell you that we are ALL equal in the eyes of God.

In the book of James, we are told to not show partiality as we hold faith in Christ.

Chapter 2 says, “For if a man wearing fine clothing comes into your assembly and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, but you pay attention to the one wearing fine clothing…[then] have you not made distinctions among yourselves?...For God has chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith.”

By our faith, we are made equal to each other in His eyes.

We forget that we are all sinners together...and we are all loved by God...and have been offered the same prevenient grace as those “other people”.

They will know we are Christians by our LOVE.

Perhaps, we can use this message from James to affect the way we interact with all those around us.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Good morning everyone. I am Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church. Have you ever tried to kick a bad habit? It can be very difficult. Just as difficult, is trying to start a good habit like exercising and eating right. But, if we stick with it long enough, it becomes easier to do.

This is also true for developing a habit of prayer. The more we do it, the more we desire it. If we make it a habit to pray, then we will find a growing desire to spend more time with God. This habit also creates in us a desire to see God working through people we meet and events we experience.

Without a doubt, prayer has to be the greatest gift that we can receive, because it changes us. It changes our minds about people; it changes our hearts, and it even changes our desires. Prayer strengthens our faith in an unseen God. It brings us into direct communication with the Creator of all things. When it becomes a habit, prayer is like working with your friends all day, but when evening comes, it is nice to just be with them.

If you are not a part of a community of faith, then I invite you to our community at Central United Methodist where we encourage each other through prayer. God bless.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Good Morning: One of the most memorable things I've ever done was give the breath of life to an elderly man who had a heart attack. This is how God looks after us. We were at our drive-through pick-up line for the Children's Center. A car rolled by, the driver's head was down. The car rolled in front of the first car in line, hit the curb and stopped. We were lucky. No child was hit. No parent's car was hit, but the poor man was not breathing and there was no heartbeat.

Quickly, we got him out of the car and onto the pavement. I began mouth to mouth CPR and my friend, Teresa, jumped down by my side and began the heart palpitations. We got him breathing and kept him alive until the EMT unit arrived. I got a little glimpse of what God did for us. He molded us out of clay and then breathed life into us. What a magnificent feeling! What a magnificent God! Have a wonderful day!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Monday, July 18, 2016


Good Morning! My name is Kristina Crabtree, Minister of Spiritual Formation at Central United Methodist Church. This morning I wanted to talk to you about light in the darkness. You might say that the world we live in now represents darkness. Sometimes it is hard to see the light of Christ among us and among others. In the creation story, I find it interesting that before the world was made there was darkness. Complete and utter darkness and what was the first thing God spoke into the world…light.

Amazing, from the very beginning, there was darkness and even in the darkness God was present. Before there was light in this world, God was present. Even now God is present no matter how dark the world may seem. Maybe today you feel as though the world is dark and hopeless. Maybe your life seems to be more in the darkness than in the light. I want to encourage you today that in the midst of darkness God is there among you. I hope you go with that hope. Have a great day!

Friday, July 15, 2016

Friday, July 15, 2016


Good morning! This is Bob Peden of Central, A United Methodist Community. An unknown author penned the piece AAll I Need to Know about Life I Learned from Trees.@ Some of his ideas are: It's important to have roots. In today's complex world, it pays to branch out. If you really believe in something, don't be afraid to go out on a limb. Avoid people who would like to cut you down. Get all spruced up when you have a hot date. If the party gets boring, just leaf.

The author of the very first Psalm says that a godly person is like a tree in three very important ways. First, he is planted C he's got his roots put down deep, he's fortified, stable. Second, he bears fruit C he develops godlike qualities in his character and life. Third, he doesn't wither C he is able to survive under all circumstances, even days of difficulty.

May your spiritual life take on the qualities of a tree planted by the rivers of water.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Thursday, July 14, 2016


Good Morning, my name is Kristina Crabtree minister of Spiritual Formation at Central United Methodist Church.

Can you picture with me the last time you moved into a house? More than likely there was a front entrance, like a porch. There was a door. You then enter the door into the house. And then you walked in to an empty house and started moving your stuff in. Let’s take that image to what our spiritual life looks like. When we become Christians, we in a sense move into God’s house. The front porch represents your repentance.

The door represents your faith. Upon entering the door, is your new “house” or new “birth” experience as a child of God? But what now, the house is empty. The process of moving our lives into God’s house is the process of holy living or Christian perfection, which means giving all that I know of myself to all that I know of God. It is a process. Tomorrow I will know more about myself than I do today so that I will have more to give to God’s house.

I hope you know yourself so that you can give yourself more and more to God today!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. In the Song of Solomon, the writer says it’s the little foxes that spoil the grapes. I have pondered on this often in my life, as it seems that so many little things keep us from living the peace and joy that God desires for us. We worry about bills, sick children, jobs, and so many other things that the joy of living is sucked right out of us.

I bet you can think of a time in your life where the little things seemed to add up to one really big thing, and you felt crushed by the weight of it. Jesus was always telling his disciples to not let the little things get them down, because they will take care of themselves. Instead, he said focus on spiritual things like love, hope, grace, and you will find that the little things don’t bother you so much.

I hope you are not letting the little foxes get you down today, but if you are, then I invite you to be a part of the Central United Methodist community, and together, we will catch those little foxes so they will not spoil your grapes.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Good Morning: Did you know that you have a special gift given to you by God? John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, said it this way: “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.”

In the Bible Paul, said it this way: From Romans Chapter 12: “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer. Share with God's people who are in need and practice hospitality.” So today, use that special gift God gave you and serve others. They will feel better because of your care, but most of all, you will feel better, too. Have a wonderful day!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Monday, July 11, 2016


Psalm 86:15 give us the perfect picture of God. “You, Lord, are a compassionate, gracious, God. Slow to anger and abundant in faithful love and truth.”

How different this is from what we see in the world. Society suggests that in order to achieve, one must be ruthless - quick to react and make decisions, be curt, intimidate others. All we have to do is turn on the nightly news to see this. But in being a reflection of God, in doing HIS will, we are not to react, but be proactive.

We should BE like God in our attitude to others-not making quick judgements but acting slowly, thoughtfully, with tenderness and self-control. By doing so, we not only bring honor to God, but build up others around us. Granted, it is often not our human nature to put our pride or control on the line, to take that deep breath, offer grace and the benefit of the doubt to others, but it IS what God calls us to do.

Go today, IN grace, OFFERING grace, and be a reflection of God to someone in desperate need of God’s love today!

Friday, July 8, 2016

Friday, July 8, 2016


Hi, I’m Jonathan Crabtree, Pastor for Student Ministry at Central – A United Methodist Community.

Every decision has an effect on someone, which will have an effect on someone else. In Matthew, Chapter 10, Jesus sends the disciples to minister to Israel in various ways, and the ‘second and third order’ effect is evident. Jesus talks of persecutions, rejections, shame, and the cost of following Him. Then, Jesus talks about a common act of hospitality – receiving a cup of cold water when arriving at a home.

The disciples will most likely be viewed through the eyes of shame because they gave up their livelihoods to follow their Rabbi – the Messiah – Jesus Christ. Because of their decision to follow Christ, their fellow Jews will most likely be ashamed of their actions and will most likely not offer them a cup of cold water – the simplest form of hospitality.

Our faith in the Living God will be viewed through the eyes of shame. Others know this. Others see it. We must decide today that even though the world may reject us and our faith, we must keep knocking on the doors and waiting for that cup of cold water. If we give up a serious relationship with Christ, imagine the effect it will have on that person watching us as we knock on doors – the hearts – of our friends, families, and strangers. Don’t give up. Every decision has an effect on someone.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Good morning! This is Bob Peden of Central, a United Methodist Community in Meridian, MS. Many, many, years ago when all gas stations were full service, I pulled into my regular station to buy gas. When I stopped, the older man who owned, operated, and was the mechanic at the station hollered out, AYou are going have to pump it yourself today.@

When I was finished, I went into the service bay to pay him. He was engaged in working on an old worn out car. He said to me, AThis car and I are just alike, worn out, but don=t know when to quit.@ Then he looked up from his work and said, ADo you know how much work a mule can do?@ I confessed that I had no idea how much work a mule can do. He smiled at me, Aall he can do, just all he can do, no more.@

There are days I need to hear that again. There are days when I begin to think I must do more than is possible, and then feel guilty when I haven=t accomplished everything. A mule knows he can only do what he can do and no more. We should be a least as smart as a mule.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Good morning everyone. I am Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church.

The young mind of a child is an amazing organ. Over the course of several years, it will learn language, emotions, and motor skills just by observing others. A child’s mind will imitate what it sees, hears, and experiences; so parents have a very important job of what they do and say in front of their children.

As adults, we, too, will continue to take in information by what we see, hear, and experience. Most likely, we will end up imitating those things in our lives as well. The Apostle Paul says it is best to imitate God. For some of us that may seem a little far-fetched. After all, who can imitate the unseen? Well, fortunately, God came down from heaven and was the man Jesus. So, for Paul, he said we all would do well to imitate the life of Jesus. We should imitate how he treated other people, how he showed mercy and compassion, how he showed love to strangers, and how he put others’ needs before his own. I challenge you today to imitate Jesus in every situation you have.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Good Morning! My name is Kristina Crabtree Minister of Spiritual formation at Central United Methodist Church.

Life is so busy. We all feel it. We are always tired, always moving to the next event, eating on the go, and constantly going. Whew, just saying that made me tired. How do we think of time in this world we live in? Everything at the tip of your fingers, just minutes or hours away in your car or on plane.

Have you ever asked yourself, where has time gone? I say that all the time! Most of us would think of time as being something that comes and goes in chronological order. Time will always run or be running out. What if today we viewed time as Kairos, which is an opportunity for a change of heart? If so, all the things on your to-do-list contain the opportunity for transformative power of re-creation in our everyday lives.

Time because history but what if we break the word history up, it is his-story. That is what life is all about, his-story lived through us! So have a change of heart today with whatever you are doing because it is a part of his-story. Have a great day!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Monday, July 4, 2016


Happy Fourth of July! I love this day! I love my country! I love the fact that we are the greatest nation on earth, and we get to celebrate our birthday today. However, I see my beloved country changing, and I don't like what I see.

You know God told us that if we, as a nation, would turn to him, he would bless us. I see us turning away. He hasn't forgotten us. We have forgotten Him. Today, while you are celebrating, think of the ways you can help get us back on the right road. That road leads to God. And when we find God again, He will look on us with favor and bless us once again. God Bless America! Have a wonderful day!

Friday, July 1, 2016

Friday, July 1, 2016


Today marks the beginning of one of our favorite long weekends of the year! We love July 4th- the festivities, fun, food, family and friends, fireworks - all as we celebrate national freedom. But even with all the celebrating and fun, many Americans are still in bondage on a mental, emotional, relational, financial, vocational, or spiritual level. Many times, we ourselves create the chains that bind us by making poor or sinful choices.

Much of life is a series of choices, each choice has a consequence, and we must live with the consequence of our choice. In order to have true freedom in our lives, we must make wise, Godly choices.

If you do not have a church home and are in town for the weekend, I invite you to join us at Central at 8:30, 9:45, or 10:55  as we tackle our issues of humanness together, searching for freedom - the freedom that comes with making Godly choices. We embrace the messiness of life, because we recognize we all fall short - just often in different ways.

If you are on the road this weekend, you can join us via livestream at and, hopefully, be here in person next Sunday.
Happy 4th!