Thursday, July 31, 2014

Thursday, July 31, 2014


Good Morning. This is Dennis Gossett, Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist Church. Recently, our church retired a beloved staff member, who was over our senior adult programs. Since then, the entire church has gone through a period of transition together by having to replace Brother Jim. We went through this together, as a community of faith.

God has designed His people to be in fellowship. It has a divine purpose and power that cannot be duplicated by any other force on the face of the earth. The people called Christians cannot run from it, because we are supposed to be in communion with one another. See, there is a Divine Unity in the Community of faith.

In Acts 2 of the Bible, we find there to be a special quality about this community, who was empowered by the Spirit of God. They were being held together by divine Unity because they shared in the Apostles teachings, shared in fellowship, shared in the breaking of bread, and shared in prayer. Imagine what your life would be like if you imitated this Unity with other people in homes, on the job, or at the park. Now, imagine what a difference Christians would make if we all bond ourselves together. Friends, there is Divine Unity in the Community of faith.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Capturing thoughts is serious business. Jesus made it one of His top

priorities. Remember the thoughts that came Jesus’ way due to Peter’s

inability to control his tongue. Jesus had predicted His death, burial, and

resurrection, but Peter couldn’t stand the thought of it.  According to

Matthew 16:22-23, Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying,

“God forbid it, Lord! This shall never happen to You.” 23 But He turned and

said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for

you are not setting your mind on God’s interests, but man’s.”

See the decisiveness of Jesus? A trashy thought comes his way and he is

tempted to act on it. Skipping His crucifixion would be beneficial to His

health but what does Christ do?  He tells Peter, “Get away from Me” As if to

say, “You are not allowed to enter my mind. What if we did that? What if we

took every thought captive not allowing it to take up residence in our mind?

I’m guessing we’ve all had an impure thought at one time or another,

especially after someone leaves cash on the cafeteria table where everyone

was sitting or when someone slings an undeserved insult our way. How

hard is it for us to be as decisive as Jesus and vanquished the thought from

our minds immediately!   

Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday, July 28, 2014


Good Morning:
Years ago when my brother and I were lots younger, we were walking in the tall grass beside a pond that ran through our property. All of a sudden, my brother pushed me hard and I fell. He picked up a stick and began beating the ground close to me. Thinking he had lost his mind, I scrambled away.

What he was doing was killing a snake that could have bitten me if he had not pushed me. That’s the way God is. He loves us enough to push us sometimes and we don’t always understand why. We just have to put ourselves in God’s hands and trust him to push us in the right direction. Put your trust in God and have a wonderful day!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Friday, July 25, 2014


“ And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory,

glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth” John


 “The word became flesh, “John said. In other words, God became

touchable, approachable, and reachable. And not only that, but He was

ordinary. If Christ were here today you probably wouldn’t notice Him as He

walked around Bonita Lakes or sat next to you watching kids play ball at

Phil Harden. He wouldn’t turn heads by the clothes He wore or the car He


“Just call Me Jesus,” You can almost hear Him say.
He was the kind of guy you’d invite to watch the State-Ole Miss game at

your house. He’d wrestle on the floor with your little brother, doze on your

couch, cook steaks on your grill. He’d laugh at your jokes and tell a few of

his own. When you spoke, he’d listen to you as if He had all of eternity, and

one thing is for sure, you’d invite Him back; because there would be

something about Him, a piece, a power, a presence, something about Him

we all need.

God in the flesh, From Heaven to human. He loved us so much that he gave

up everything to be one of us. When someone does that, isn’t He worth

getting to know just a little bit better?

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Good Morning. Has there ever been a point in your life when you felt no longer useful? Maybe there has been someone or a group or even the environment of a church that has made you feel that way. Maybe you do not feel useful because of certain physical limitations or have feelings of being inadequate.

Well, the truth is, you are useful and marketable. You can choose to be used. The Bible promises that God does not make mistakes and wants to use everyone, whom He has created. In Chapter 11 of the Book of Acts, the entire community was given the opportunity to serve by giving according to his or her own ability. See, age, race, social status, education level, or physical abilities did not make a single person unusable. Instead, each made a conscious decision to give back.

Just like the people at Antioch, you can choose to be used. God wants each one of us to share with others by doing what we can according to our own unique abilities and current life circumstances. Don’t listen to the enemy who tells you that you are no good. God has gives you the right to make that choice for yourself. Today, you can Choose to be Used by God. This is Dennis Gossett for Central United Methodist Church.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Annie reminds us - the sun will come up tomorrow. It has been doing it

every day for millions of years.  We not only expect the sun to come up, but

we trust that the sun will be there.  Even as we continue to struggle with the

heat of the summer, we realize that without the sun, there would be no life

on our planet.

We trust other things too. The brakes on our cars, banks with our money, we

trust our family and friends to love and accept us for who we are. Every day

we must take a thousand chances on things we expect to be true. Sometimes

we are disappointed in our trust. We are let down. But what about God? The

Bible reminds us that we can trust God for EVERYTHING and can

DEPEND on God for our daily needs, for our greatest hopes and dreams,

and hurts and fears.  God has been standing by us since the beginning of


If today finds you hurt and alone, or with great joy, remember God’s

presence is with you every breath you take!  Have a blessed day!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Monday, July 21, 2014


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. In 2008 I attended my Officer Basic Course at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. As I was being trained on how to perform as a Chaplain in the United States Army, I learned many new life lessons. One of which I have pondered many times since putting on the uniform.

The life lesson that I was taught is that there are two things that you have to overcome in life. The first is to get over the obstacles that are before you. We all face obstacles in life that try to take our joy and peace from us but through God’s help and grace we can overcome.

The second thing that we must overcome in life is to get over ourselves. You are not the most important thing in life and your happiness cannot be based on your current condition for if it is then we become self absorbed.

If you are a believer what is most important in your life is your faith in Jesus and that faith brings purpose. Remember, today that you have to find a way to get over your obstacles and to get over yourself.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday, July 18, 2014


I recently heard a statement that I love!
God doesn’t call us because we are qualified, he calls us because we are willing! Think about it - What made Noah qualified to build the ark? Moses to lead the people of Israel, David to rule? Look at the Disciples - fishermen, tax collectors. What they DID have in common was the willingness to follow the call of Jesus.

We often use our lack of qualifications as an excuse to not do something - whether within or outside of the church. And what does this get us? Out of a project we don’t feel we have time or qualifications to do? Many times the result is the missing of a blessing we would have received had we stepped out on faith! I encourage you today to evaluate where you are. Don’t use qualifications as an excuse - use willingness as a REASON, remembering Philippians 4:13 - “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!”

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Good morning. This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church.
To be conscious about something is to be aware of it.  I ask God to help me remember that He gave me life.  I Thank Him for the gift of life.   I pray for Him to teach me to slow down, to be still and enjoy the pleasures created for me. To be aware of the beauty that surrounds me. The calmness of lakes, the fragility of a flower petal fluttering in the wind, the majesty of mountains, the rolling of the seas, the marvel of an oak tree, covered in spanish moss, swaying in the breeze. I need to remember that all these things come fijkrom God. He is the giver of every good and perfect gift.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Good Morning!

One of the hardest issues to deal with in this life is the fact that we really aren’t in control of our lives.  For some reason, we think that out of all the people on this planet (approx. 7 billion), we are the only one that has control of our life or have a plan for our life.

In James, Chapter 4, he says: Today or tomorrow we will go to a certain place, spend a certain amount of time there, and engage in a business and make a profit.  He follows with:  The problem is that we don’t know what our life will be like tomorrow.  We are a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

What we should say is:  If the Lord wills, we will live and do what He has planned for us.  Any other statement is boasting or arrogance.

My prayer is that we will let God be in control of our lives instead of trying it on our own.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday, July 14, 2014


Good Morning. I am Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church. Have you ever felt like you were not accepted? I remember as child that I felt like I was never really accepted, because I wasn’t that good at sports like most kids. I was uncoordinated, slow, and a bit overweight.
When we get older we still can have these types of feelings. You may be in a situation where you do not feel accepted; and this could be somehow bleeding over into your relationship with God. You feel that He does not accept you, because you have not experienced some emotional high or charismatic feeling. The enemy wants you to believe God does not want you. Well, friend, that is a lie. God says that “my grace is sufficient.”
All you have to do is trust Him, because He has given you the ability to know Him; and He has loving and unconditionally accepted you when you committed yourself to Him. So, every time the devil tries to convince you otherwise, point to the moment you gave yourself to God and let that alone be your witness. Since, you have been reminded of God’s truth, go and tell someone else who is feeling discouraged today that God has not abandoned them.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday, July 11, 2014


Good Morning!
We could spend the rest of our lives trying to figure out why we seem to have two natures.  One part of us wants to do good, while another part of us seems to do things we don’t want to do.

The conflict of two natures was brought up by Paul, and he did a pretty good job of explaining it in Romans Chapter 7 and 8.  He basically admits that he doesn’t always do the good that he wants to do, but that he agrees with God and God’s laws in his (inner man) mind.  The problem is the body or flesh has a mind of its own and wages war against the mind.

Paul (as we should) thanks Jesus Christ our Lord for helping him overcome this flesh by his Spirit.  For we should walk by this Spirit instead of the flesh.

Paul concludes that the mindset of the flesh is death, but the mindset of the Spirit is life and peace.

My prayer for everyone is for us to choose life and peace.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Thursday, July 10, 2014


Good Morning:  Well, this is my last reflection for this go round. I have tried and tried to come up with something cute and witty to say today, but I am having trouble. My brain has quit on me. I even looked on the internet to find something to say. Found plenty of ideas, but nothing fit. I looked through devotional booklets. Plenty there, too, but nothing jumped out at me. I have just drawn a complete blank.

Have you ever had one of those days? Well, for the answer, I turned to the Bible. The same word kept jumping out at me....Joy! The word joy in one way or another is mentioned 244 times. That tells me that our happiness is important to God. So, maybe, that's what he wants me to tell you today. Smile! Be happy! Make those around you joyful. And when you can't find the answer to your problems, do what I did......turn to the bible. God is there. Have a joyful day!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Recently while working out at a local fitness center, I observed a couple there.  The gentleman had obviously been ill and was coming as a part of his rehab.  I watched as his wife helped him onto a treadmill, set it at a barely moving pace, got on the one next to him, set hers at the same pace and walked along side him. After just a few moments, she helped him off and they moved to some more equipment.

I could not stop watching as she lovingly helped him and as he willingly worked under her guidance. The vow in sickness and in help permeated the air for me. We take this vow in marriage, but are also called by Jesus to live this in our daily lives with others.

“For if you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto me.” Go today, remembering this call of Jesus, and if you are married, I encourage you to stop, look at your spouse, and remember that vow you made. In that couple at the fitness center, I saw love!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


The Bible says: I will forgive your transgressions and remember them no more. 

Dwight Moody told the story of a Scottish preacher who before his conversion had been a wicked man.  After he was saved, he began preaching the gospel.

One night as he prepared to go to the pulpit, someone handed him an envelope. Inside was a list of the awful things he had done in that town. He debated what to do, stepped to the pulpit and began to speak.
“Friends, I am accused of crimes and sins committed in this very city. I will read them to you.” One after another he read these charges, and at the conclusion he said, “I’m guilty.”

“You ask how I dare come to you and speak of righteousness and truth, with a list of crimes like that against my name? I will tell you: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.
He completely and forever paid the debt for all those who trust in Him for salvation.  Nothing in our past can take away this great gift.  Thank you Lord!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014


Do you ever find life a little… boring? That will change one day. We won’t be bored in Heaven, because we won’t be the same us in Heaven. Boredom emerges from weeds that Heaven doesn’t allow.

The weed of weariness: our eyes tire.
The weed of mental limitations: information overload dulls our mind.
The weed of self-centeredness: we grow disinterested when the spotlight shifts off of us on to someone else
The weed of tedium: meaningless activity saps us of our energy.

But there are NO weeds in Heaven. We are left with a razor sharp mind, endless focus, and God- honoring assignments.  Yes, we will be given assignments in Heaven.  There will no longer be any curse; and the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and His bond-servants will serve Him; Revelation 22:3.
His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.’ Matthew 25:21

We might design a mural in a new city…monitors the expansion of a new species of plants or animals. What does a creator do but create? What do His happy children do but serve Him? Remember, the best is yet to come. Heaven awaits.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Thursday, July 3, 2014


This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church. This morning I am standing in an area of Central we call “The Crossing.” The Crossing is at the very center of our church and is a place where we gather for fellowship and coffee between services. At Central we offer three Sunday morning worship experiences. At 8:30 we begin with an exciting Contemporary service in the Fellowship Hall with great sound and exciting state of the are projection equipment. Then at 9:45 we offer CONNECT a place to connect with God and with others - an even more high energy celebration of God’s connection with His world. Then at 10:55 the organ calls us into a time of traditional worship. A more calm, introspective service but with all the pageantry and beauty of traditional worship. You are invited to join us at any of these worship experiences at Central United Methodist Church, in Meridian,  on 22nd and 23rd avenues at 10th Street

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Good Morning. Have you ever been locked out? Last year, I locked myself out of my house. I did not have a spare key. Plus, my wife and children were out of town for the weekend. So, I was stuck outside not knowing what to do; give up or keep looking for a way in?
You too have probably faced many locked door situations where all hope seems lost. You may be shut out right now: it could be from a work situation, something financial, or some other problem that has stopped you dead in your tracks. Now God says that if you will become my child then “when you walk, your steps will not be hindered, and when you run, you will not stumble.” That is a great promise to all of us who have ever been locked out.
We can go forward in faith believing God will give us access. Just like in the old days, a town would put up gates across the road. At night, the only way to open them was for the driver of a wagon to keep going toward the closed gate in order to spring the mechanism in the ground that would cause it to open.
In my case, I finally found a place to enter. You too can find an entrance; just do not give up your search. Faith has gone before you. This is Dennis Gossett for Central United Methodist Church.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


I was recently on 14th Street in Meridian waiting to make a left turn with no break in oncoming traffic.  Suddenly a woman in the oncoming lane stopped, put HER left turn blinker on, motioned for me to turn. As I looked in my rearview mirror, I saw she continued on straight.  She had stopped traffic just so I could turn.

A few days later I had the same opportunity.  I stopped traffic so someone could make a left turn.  When I pulled forward the person behind me laid down on their car horn, obviously not touched by my good Samaritan act!

I share this story as a reminder of how we are given moments that we see Jesus in others and in return a reminder to let others see Jesus in us!

If you do not have a church home, I invite you to join us at Central.  While not perfect, we do travel along the streets of life with each other, helping one another both in the left turns of life, and in times of joy, trying to be Jesus to each other!  For more information about Central, I invite you to join us this Sunday for worship at 8:30, 9:45, or 10:55! For more information visit our website at