Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Good morning, this is Bob Peden of Central - a United Methodist Community here in Meridian. There are times and places where the mixing of old and new works well. It is quite creative, for example, to search for old pieces of furniture, refinish them, and creatively place them in your newer home.

There are other places and times when mixing the two doesn't work. Anyone out there still have an old analog TV and roof antenna? Do you know any scientists who still use slide rules? Do you want your child treated by doctors who aren't staying current in their field? So why do Christians kick so hard and scream so loudly at the idea of change? Even though the core message of the Christian gospel is fixed on the person and work of Jesus, the means of communicating that message must always change. The ways of God are ever fresh and challenging. Those who try to contain the fresh presence of Jesus within the old and familiar forms typically wind up with the worst of both worlds. New wine in old wineskins.

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