Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday, December 14, 2012


What does Christmas Mean to me?

It's bright lights, and candles, a trip to the Christmas tree farm

It's hot coca -marshmallows and a fire crackling in the fireplace.

Christmas is a church choir

The phone ringing and one of my boys asking, “is it all right if I charge momma's present to you.”

It means passing cars with Christmas packages up in the windows as families go visiting

It's kissing kinfolks, some you want to kiss and some you don't

Christmas just means so much to me

Plenty of goodies laying around the house-

It's the utter pandemonium that is Wal-Mart on Christmas Eve and the peace of the still quiet house once all the young'uns are finally in bed

It's working with Wesley House, the Advent Fair, Stop Hunger Now, Christmas at the Cain's, the Christmas Eve Candlelight Services, and all the other things we do at Central Methodist

It's my boys coming home and asking, “Daddy can we do Operation Shoebox can we do it daddy, can we?”

Christmas is the expression on my boys' faces as they filled those boxes with stuff their money bought, put the lid on them, and sent them off

What's Christmas? It's helping other people know the love of Christ, that's the Spirit of Christmas

My it's great to be a Christian at Christmas time!

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