Monday, February 22, 2010


I do confess that my grandchildren often get to do things at my house that they do not necessarily get to do at their jump on the bed. The other day Brett and Hunter were taking turns jumping into my arms as I sat on the floor. They never, for one moment slowed down as they propelled themselves off the bed into my arms. They just KNEW that I would catch them. They were living Hebrews 11:1...Faith being sure of what they hoped for and certain of what they did not see. My two precious boys, unknowingly, reminded me of something very basic My God loves me, cares for me, and will ALWAYS catch me when I fall. Why is it as adults we lose that childlike faith, particularly in our relationship with God.. I invite you to take some time today to really think about YOUR faith, thanking God for this wonderful gift. And if you do not have a church home, I invite you to join me in worship at Central this Sunday at 8:30 or 10:55, sharing your faith and accepting the grace God gives to each of us. Have a blessed day!

Sabrina Williams

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