Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Good morning. One evening, as I watched my two
grandsons play together, I noticed they were having a hard
time sharing their toys. One would start to cry if the other
even played with a toy that was not being used.

At an early age, kids express a very innocent, but selfish
attitude. As adults, our selfish behavior is not so innocent.
In fact, adults are aware of what we do. Self­centeredness
is one of the main reasons we willingly separate ourselves
from God. Think about it, how often do we strive for the
bigger and better deal in life, instead of God? Life becomes
more about what we can gain rather than giving all over to
the Father.

When our eyes are on material things, we can’t see eternal
things. The Old Testament prophet Isaiah noted this
condition when he wrote, “Your iniquities have made a
separation between you and your God.”

Today, let us take a look into our lives and see what is
separating us from living fully with God. Then, let us turn
our eyes from them and place them upon Jesus Christ.
I’m Dennis Gossett, for Central United Methodist Church.

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