Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Good morning everyone. I am Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church.

No matter what we do in life, there will always be conditions. Even in our leisure activities, there are certain guidelines we must follow. Take for example, rock climbing. A friend of mine in Texas has been into rock climbing for many years. One day, as we talked about his hobby, he said that a rock climber has to find the right line up the cliff. If not, then you put yourself at a greater risk of falling. He also uses the assistance of rope and metal holders to reduce the chance of injury.

Just like everything else in life, we need to become familiar with the conditions of our faith. Jesus says that the most important one to realize is love. Love is like finding the right line of our ascent. It is like using ropes and holders so we will not fall. Love is a necessary condition of being a disciple of Jesus.

In John’s Gospel, Jesus told his disciples to love one another. Many of us are missing out on this condition as we try to climb the mountain blindly, and take no regard to the path we are taking. Today, don’t take unnecessary risks, but instead, start loving one another.

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