Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

JOHN Good Morning! I’m John Branning, the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. When you think of what it means to be kind, I don’t doubt a very specific person comes to mind. If you’re lucky, maybe a few people come to mind. Regardless of whom you picture, the reason you think of someone instead of something is because kindness is something we experience tangibly. It is the outward expression of an inward gratefulness. You can feel thankful or feel grateful, but you don’t feel kind. You are kind or you’re not. We live in a world that is consumed with conversations of fear, evil, and hate. Maybe we need to combat that with true kindness that comes from a heart that has been transformed. You and I will be remembered for the things that we do and what we do not do. Therefore, let us be remembered as a people that were filled with true kindness that was due to being a follower of Jesus. That is a legacy that we can all be proud of.

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