Friday, January 17, 2020

Friday, January 17, 2020

GLENDA Good Morning: Did you hear the story about the man who went on a fishing trip, but caught four deer instead? It's a wonderful story of how God works in mysterious ways. True story...a man in Sitka, Alaska, had a fishing charter boat that he took out one day. Well, out into the water, he saw four deer swimming towards the boat. Unusual, because a deer's natural instinct is to go away from human contact. As he got closer to the deer, he realized they were in distress. He lowered the tailgate on his boat and all four deer came aboard and collapsed exhausted on the deck. Back on shore, he opened the tailgate, and the first deer bounded off, stopped, turned and looked back as if to say thank you and then fled into the woods. With a little coaxing the next two left the boat, and the last one had to be carried ashore. To me, God's hand was at work, placing that boat at just the right time and place to save those deer and to take away the deer's natural distrust of humans. A fine example of God taking care of his creations. He will take care of you, too. Just trust Him. Have a wonderful day!

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