Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Good Morning


I have recently been reading about the life of Mother Teresa. One of the things that was impressed deeply on her heart was “To withhold nothing from Christ”. She was committed to giving over all that she was and all that she had for the sake of Christ.

Mother Teresa and her sisters became known as the Missionaries of Charity. They gave up every luxury and moved into the slums of Calcutta India where they worked with the poorest of poor and the sick and handicapped. Sometimes they did not have enough food to eat and had to beg to survive.

As Mother Teresa served, she saw Christ in the ones she was serving. As she bathed the wounds of the sick, Mother Teresa considered herself to be bathing the wounds of Christ.

What or how are we being called to be for the sake of Christ? Do we live in a way that withholds nothing from Christ or are we not willing to let go of some things?

As we live and move today, let every action be done as if Christ was the recipient, holding nothing back.

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