Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Wednesday, November 11, 2017

 Good morning, I’m Tim Wise, Sanctuary Choir Director at Central. As Jesus began to teach about children, people began bringing their children to Him so He could touch them to bless them because they all thought he was the Messiah. There is a lot of frustration over the disciples rebuking those that brought their children – it's not that they were trying to be mean, but in that day, children were seen as not important and not to be taken seriously so they thought they were protecting Jesus from wasting his time. Jesus swoops in like always and sets the record straight. He says to let the children come because the kingdom belongs to such as these. Childlike trust is a quality Jesus wants his followers to have. You see, children trust their family without any thought of why they trust them. Jesus wants us to come to him with childlike faith. Humility is another quality – children are never too prideful to ask for help. He wants the same for us – never being afraid to ask for help from God. So be like the children- trust without question and be humble.

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