Friday, July 27, 2018

Friday, July 27, 2018

SABRINA If it is summer and you have children - I’ll just stop right, there. HOW is it possible that so many different personalities exist in one family? One child is diligent and kind, the other impulsive and self-seeking. Joy and pain exist side by side, causing emotions to swing back and forth from day to day - often minute to minute. To see this play out in a public setting, one might immediately assume that the self-seeking child has been spoiled, when in fact it may not be the case at all - it is just a matter of varying personalities, which draw a different response to the situation at hand. If you are feeling frustrated this morning, take heed - Jesus dealt with the same issues. Within his circle of 12, he had fishermen, tax collectors, politicians -not to mention Judas. Can you imagine the stress and bickering - among grown men? There was jealousy as many sought constantly to be the favorite. Sound familiar? You see, even through dealing with the disciples, Jesus is showing us how to parent. He dealt with each disciple individually, as needed. He offered tough love. He spent time alone with them. He did not try and be their best friend, but an authority figure in their lives. He found a balance, and they loved him fiercely. If today finds you hanging by a thread, know this parenting thing is HARD, but so worth it. Take a deep breath and enjoy these precious gifts from God. You CAN do this!

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