Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

SABRINA Anyone who drives has been guilty of it - arriving at a point and not remembering how we got there. We were on automatic pilot. Our minds were not engaged with where we were going. We often do the same thing in our prayers. We mindlessly engage in prayer saying words without any real reflection. In Matthew 6:7, Jesus reminded His followers, “And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words.” Prayer is our time to commune with God. It is not an act of therapy. We are not seeking to feel better about ourselves or situations. Prayer is not an act of manipulation, bargaining, or persuasion. Prayer is about God's will being done - not our own. Prayer is not a news report. We don't need to use prayer as a way of alerting God to what we feel. He “needs” to know. And prayer is NOT a bargaining opportunity. “If You grant this, I promise I will faithfully do this…” Prayer is our opportunity to commune with the One who created, loves, and bestows more blessings than we can even fathom. So, for today, let us take time to simply sit at His feet in gratitude and praise.

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