Thursday, October 11, 2018

Thursday, October 11, 2018

TIM Good morning, I’m Tim Wise, Senior Adult Minister and Sanctuary Choir Director at Central. In the Parable of the Sower, Jesus teaches about the types of soil that seeds may fall into. The “path” soil is the hard and crusty soil that has no place for seed to fall and be planted. This soil represents closed minded people who refuse to let God’s word influence their life. The “rocky” soil is a thin layer of soil on top of some rocks that allows the seed to sprout, but it dies almost immediately because there is no way to produce a root system. Rocky soil people are only faithful on the surface but have no depth to their faith. They show a lot of faith but have little evidence of it in their lives. The “thorny” soil is good, fertile soil but is covered by thorns. The thorns are the plant that uses all the resources in the soil, and thus, it chokes the life out of the seed. Thorny soil people have great potential but have their priorities out of line. They only practice their faith when it’s convenient for them. Finally, there is the “good” soil which is fertile and full of nutrients. Its deep and rich and holds moisture. It has plenty of space for roots to grow and allows the plant to produce fruit. Good soil people absorb God’s word, allow it to be an active presence in their life and thus allowing them to produce fruits. So, with which soil do you identify? Find yourself planted in the good soil so you can produce good fruits!

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