Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Good Morning!

I am Kristina Crabtree and I am the Pastor of Mission and Evangelism at

Central UMC.

When you go to the doctor, how does he go about diagnosing the problem?

He examines your symptoms, runs tests, and looks directly at your physical

body. By examining symptoms, reading the test results, and physically

looking, the doctor can usually be able to diagnose the problem and give the

proper treatments of care.

Let’s take this analogy and look at the spiritual life. If God is the Great

Physician and He is, how does he care for us? He takes our symptoms,

emotional and physical, our failed tests in life, and our body, inward and

outward and then creates a way for his righteousness, mercy, and love to

bring the best care we could ask for. But, did you notice that God did not

need our help for him to diagnose the problem. He knew what it was and he

provided an action-care-plan for us. That is the God we serve.
Your spiritual needs are just as important as your physical needs. His grace is

sufficient! Take a leap of faith and go see the DOCTOR, the great Physician.

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