Friday, May 26, 2017

Friday, May 26, 2017


Good morning, I’m Tim Wise Sanctuary Choir Director at Central.

During the Easter season, we celebrate the ultimate triumph of good over evil - the day that Jesus Christ overcame death and was resurrected.

On that day, Mary Magdalene was mourning at the tomb confused as to why it was empty. Someone approached her and asked her why she was upset, and confusing this person for the gardener, she told the person to tell her where the body was.

Soon after, she realized she was in the presence of the living Christ. Jesus then sent Mary out to tell the disciples what she had witnessed - Jesus being alive and that he would soon ascend to the father. Then when he met with the disciples, he did the same thing: commanded them to go and spread the news.

Take the commands Jesus gave first to the women, and then to the disciples…GO AND SPREAD THE NEWS! Share the joy of the resurrection with someone! Because He lives, we can face tomorrow.

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