Monday, July 22, 2019

Monday, July 22, 2019

SABRINA I think Waiting is a universal weakness but may be one of God’s best ways to get our attention. Noah waited for the rain. Daniel waited through the night with a den full of lions. Joseph waited 13 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. Abraham and Sarah waited 25 years for the arrival of their promised son, after waiting an entire lifetime to even get the promise in the first place. Moses waited 40 years to be called by God. Paul waited in prison. They were people just like you and me, trying to please God but often falling short. But think about it - While Noah waited for the rain, he got busy building the ark. As Daniel waited, he remained faithful in prayer and firm in his convictions. While Joseph waited in prison, he did his best with each small task given to him, and he stayed close to God. Likewise, Abraham, Moses, and Paul waited patiently and began the ministry God called each of them to do, caring for the people around them. You see, there is always work to be done while we’re waiting. Sometimes the work is physical and other times it’s a quiet journey of soul-searching. Sometimes the work is that of being alert and aware and sometimes it’s about being patient, loving, and present. But when we remember these moments are part of a larger story, the wait is never wasted.

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