Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012


Hi!  I'm Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.  

Recently, Sports Illustrated did a story on Elena Della Donna, the best women's college basketball player in the nation.  As a high school star, she was offered scholarships at the top basketball schools in the country - Connecticut, UNC, Tennessee, Rutgers - but she chose to attend Delaware, which was only 10 miles from her home. She chose Delaware in order to be closer to her sister Elizabeth, who was born blind and deaf.  By playing at Delaware, she could see her sister regularly and help with her needs.

I'm sure she wouldn't consider it a “sacrifice” - but Elena Della Donna made the decision to put someone else's needs and wishes above her own.  According to the Bible, that's what “ministry” is all about - loving God and serving others.

Today, we have a choice about how we will live our lives.  Will we seek to make ourselves happy and please ourselves?  Or will we seek to serve others to God's glory?

Make it a great day!

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