Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday, March 9, 2012


Recently in a conversation concerning someone gravely ill, a friend reminded me...“You know Sabrina, we are all terminal.”  As I contemplated that very sobering statement, I began to think past the initial gloom of “being terminal,” and to seriously think of how differently we might live our lives if we truly lived it remembering our life on this earth is but a brief moment in time. My guess is that our lives would change dramatically.  Time spent with family and friends would be more important than work and accumulating things.  Time to watch the sun rise and set would take precedence over surfing the net.

I challenge you to begin living with the realization that we have no way of knowing what the future holds, but we do have the ability to live each day enjoying the many gifts and blessing that God has given us for this day, all the while knowing that when our time on earth is done, we still have eternity with God.  Go and have a blessed day.

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