Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Good morning. This is Bob Peden of Central United
Methodist Church. What a hectic pace I keep up in my life.
It is a phrase that is often repeated in this day and time. But
it is not the kind of life Jesus call us to. It is not the kind of
life Jesus lived as an example for us.

As word of Jesus’s healing ability spread in Judea more
and more crowds came to Jesus to be healed, and to hear
him preach. But we are told that Jesus would withdraw to
deserted places and pray. If Jesus could spare the time
apart to keep his relationship with the Father intact, why
can’t we? Or I guess the real question is, why don’t we?
Why is it not important to us? So I suggest you carve out
some deserted places, some deserted times in your life
where you turn off both literally and figuratively. Spend time
in silence listening to and sharing with the Heavenly Father,
who always has time to hear from you.

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