Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United

Methodist Church. At Central we are for people having servant’s hearts that

are willing to meet people where they are so that we can connect them to

God. As we cultivate relationships with other people we have to remember

that not everyone has had the same life experience that you and I have had;

and because of this, we have to listen to the life of the other person and see

how we can share our faith in Jesus.

There are people that are what I like to say are “shopping before they buy”

when it comes to following Jesus. Therefore, we have to meet people where

they are in life with all of the brokenness, scars and baggage that they can

possible bring with them. The greatest moments of Jesus’ ministry was not

in places of worship with other religious people, it was when he was with

the broken, the sick, the lost and he was able to connect with them and offer

them a better way.

I hope that we don’t forget that this morning and we enter into the world full

of broken people. Have a servant’s heart and meet people where they are. I

invite you to Central where we are for people having servant’s hearts and are

willing to meet people where they are so that we connect them to God.

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