Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United

Methodist Church. A lot of people who are not connected to church believe

that churches see new people as nothing more than “a means to an end.”

What I mean by that is that at times people feel that we want them for

something. We want them so that we can use their talents for our church

programs. We sure do need more money in the church so we need more

people to accomplish that.

The message of Jesus is not about what the church wants from you, but about

what God has come to give to you. You and I were created in the most

complex of ways and within every person there is spot that only God can fill.

Jesus wants to have that spot in your life and what he will bring to you when

you let him is peace and joy.

If you are honest this morning you really could use a good dose of peace and

joy, couldn’t you. You are not a “means to an end” you are beloved by Christ

who is reaching out to you this very day. I invite you to Central so you can

learn to live connected and to feel the peace and joy of Christ as we follow

him together.

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