Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thursday, August 20, 2015


The other morning
as I stumbled into the kitchen to make my first cup of coffee for the day, I

heard a cricket chirping right by the den door. Opening the door to
try to locate where exactly the sound was coming from, I was struck by the

stillness of morning, dew on the ground and the sounds of wildlife

to stir.

Genesis 1:5 came to my mind. “And there was evening and there was

morning -
the first day...” The first day...So many days have come and gone since that

first day, yet each morning begins with the same still quiet miracles of


We, in our insistence to jump out of
bed and begin our lists of things that have to be done, forget the simple daily
miracle of the sunrise, the creation of new life right outside our backdoor.

I invite you to rise a little earlier one morning this week, and watch and

listen to a miracle unfold...the miracle of a new day...and Be still and know

that the God who created the universe, is your God. Go and have a blessed


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