Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


When NFL running back, Arian Foster, recently signed a five year contract to the tune of more than 20 million dollars, he was interviewed concerning his success and about his early years when his mother sold her wedding band so he and his siblings would have food.

He was questioned about the prior year when his contract was a fraction of his teammates.  His reply:  "when you start comparing yourself to another man’s mirror, that is when negative thought begin to creep in.  My journey isn't anybody else's journey."

How often do we measure our life and success by that of our neighbors or other family members? In today's world where success is measured in dollars and possessions, we often forget we are made "in the image of God."  God knew us before our image was even yet formed. That should serve as a reminder to each of us of the importance and significance of OUR journey.  Go today seeing yourself in God's mirror.  Your journey is important. God thinks so...have a blessed day!

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