Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013


One of the favorite parables of many church people is about a home built on sand and a home built on a firm foundation. We have it depicted

in stained glass at Central United Methodist Church. We often understand this parable to assure us that sitting in church each week, studying

God's word - our endless church activities are building our foundations on the firm rock of God's word and that those who refuse to come hear

are building their homes on sand - soon to be washed away.

But go back and read the parable. Jesus says the person who is building his house on sand is the one who hears His word but does not obey it.

That well describes many of us who are in church every week, diligently studying the Bible, but who do not allow it to change the way they

live, who they spend time with, how they spend their money, what causes they work for. I pray that you are not building your house on the

shaky sand of your church attendance.

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