Friday, September 29, 2017

Friday, September 29, 2017

 You know we often forget that God is in what we often overlook. God is evident in our tears; in the twinkle of a stranger’s eye; in the warmth of a hug from a friend; in the missing front teeth of a six-year old. He is in the lines of handwritten letters and in the silliness of teenage girls. He is in the rays of sun coming through the clouds and in the pink skies of the sunset. God surrounds us with reminders of His presence. He is there in promises kept and random acts of kindness and mercies shown. God is in every whisper, sigh and exclamation. Wherever today finds you, Hear the words of Psalm 145:5 “God, I will meditate about your glory, splendor, majesty and miracles.” It is SO easy to feel alone in this world, forgetting we can never go to a place so deep, so dark that He is not there. We are each loved beyond measure. If you do not have a church home, I invite you to come worship at Central this Sunday. 8:30. 9:45 or 10:55. Come, surround yourself with others, seeking, peace, love, acceptance and community as we remember, God IS, indeed in each and every detail of life!

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