Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

 Do you remember your birthdays growing up? The anticipation in the days leading up to it, the sheer elation you felt when you woke up that day! Whether your birthday festivities involved a bouncy castle or just some cake and quality time with friends and family, there was a joy around that special day in your life. Now as we get older that may not remain true, but no matter what day of the year or what our age is, we can still experience that joy. We can do so by celebrating others! When we genuinely seek to edify others, we are building a better world one kind word at a time. By offering sincere encouragement to those we meet, we sow seeds of joy that have the power to change someone’s day. You will soon find that kindness is one of the few things in life that only grows bigger the more it’s given away. So, if today is your birthday, I pray it is a joyous one, and may God’s peace be with you all.

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