Thursday, February 18, 2016

Thursday, February 18, 2016


Good morning everyone. I am Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church. Have you noticed there to be a lot of things in our modern world that are very distracting? Our cell phones are constantly ringing to alert us to some new social media post. Current email alerts on our computers are seemingly endless and the advertisements over our T.V.’s or radios convince us that if we turn away then we will miss out on something life changing.
But wouldn’t it be nice for just a moment to turn off all those distractions. To even consider this may seem impossible for some of you. Did you know that distractions often keep us estranged from our relationship with God?

One time when Jesus tried to be alone in order to pray, there came all of these distractions. It tried to direct his attention elsewhere. However, Jesus overcame those distractions and remained intentional about his relationship with God. That is a great example for all of us. When things start to get a bit overwhelming in your day take a moment, put the phone down, turn off the TV or radio, or just get up from the computer and reconnect with God. Have a great day!

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