Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Good morning everyone. I am Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church.

As I watch television, I am always astonished at how incomplete the advertisers tell me my life really is. They say that I am not living to my fullest potential by not wearing a certain watch, driving a specific car, putting on a certain type of cologne, or having six pack abs. Immediately, I will dismiss those commercials, but subconsciously, I still tend to look at myself in these terms. It comes to light when I find myself wanting to be and look like a certain image. So, when I don’t have, become or look like that image, I get angry with myself and say, “Something must be wrong with me.” Even worse, I sometimes want to blame others for my failure.

So many times, we put all of our trust into things that advertisers say that we need to be complete. Sadly, when we do finally get them, it doesn’t take long for the new to wear off and we start searching for something else. Jesus seems to point out that all of these things are nothing but trouble. Nothing in this world can satisfy our internal need. I challenge you to start trusting in the one and start living as you were truly meant to live.

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