Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Good morning! I am Owen Weddle, the Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist!

A philosopher once told a story where a schoolboy had refused to learn and just

wanted to play. Every time his teacher tried to help him get interested in school work,

the boy resisted and paid less attention than before. He just wanted to have fun.

Eventually the teacher said “Tell me what you want to do, and you can do it.” So the

boy said he want to draw a little bit, sleep some, and sometimes do nothing. And she

allows it. The boy got exactly what he wanted, but is it good?

Sometimes, when we pray we expect God to be like that school teacher; give us

everything we want. And when He doesn't, we wonder why. But the teacher starting

giving whatever the boy wanted is that she had given up on him! It is in fact good

news that God doesn't give us every single thing we want right now. Down the road,

the boy may have wished he had learned. He may regret getting what he wanted;

likewise, if God gave everything we wanted, we might regret it down the road. God

not giving us everything immediately is a sign that God hasn't given up on us, but is

still trying to lovingly teach and guide us.

May God bless you!

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